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[Fancafe] Heejin (221005)


2022.10.05 6th anniversary of Heejin’s debut❤️

It’s been six years since I revealed ViViD to the world!

The weather is getting chillier now, and whenever October 5 approaches, I realize viscerally that autumn has come.

Seeing as how this year has really been the busiest of my life, October has arrived just a step away,

And I’m curious how these ten months have been for Orbits!

I’m sure you’ve had good days and very difficult days too.

I too have definitely had difficult things happen this year,

But over time, I think that I’ve recovered quickly enough and I’ve seen joys bigger than the difficulties come find me.

And thanks to that, I think I’ve gained the strength to know how to gracefully accept that hardship!

I think that spectrum has been wider than ever in the ten months of this year ㅋㅋ

With all that, this year 2022 has been a vividly memorable one in my mind, in many ways!

So my Orbits, how about not being too burdened by each day, and instead offering a word of comfort to yourself - saying “Again this year I am living on quietly and well, let’s be strong for these last two months too!”

Our Orbits! Let’s try getting through these two remaining months together

All of this will become good memories

Thank you always, I'm sorry, and I love you



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