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[Fanclub] 2022 LOONA 3rd Season's Greetings: Orbit 3.0 Postcards



Orbits! Happy New Year~❤️

Miss you so so much ㅠ


Orbits Happy New Year and I hope you’ll always be healthy and everything will go well and only happy things will be in store for you this year❤️

No matter what Orbits do, I know it will go well❤️

I’ll be cheering and praying for you lots!! Love you❤️


Orbit! It’s Haseul~

Already 2021 has passed and 2022 is approaching.

It’s so nice that it feels like I’m getting closer with Orbits with each passing day heh ❤️

In the new year let’s not be sick and stay healthy and all be happy.

Beloved Orbits, forever my motivation!

Please be my strength.

I will be your strength too!

Love you and thank you ❤️_❤️


Orbit~ A new year has begun, so I hope that you’ll be healthy this year too, and spend each and every day with a bright smile on your face~❤️

Yeojinnie will pray that your days will always be happy❤️

Orbit, have a happy happy new year~❤️

Love you❤️


In the new year 2022

I wish Orbits will be happy

And healthy

And able to move around freely

And meet and hang out with Loona often too

And that your work will go well

And make lots of money

And buy a house

And meet many good people

And do everything you wanted to do ❤️

Ah and receive lots of love too

And Loona loves Orbits

And I love you too ❤️~

Kim Lip

Orbits it’s already 2022..

I’ve also gone from 19-year-old Kim Lip to 24 years old already

Aging is.. Something we all do together so don’t be sad❤️

In 2022, I hope that in an improved environment,

all of us will be able to resolve and achieve the things that frustrated us, that we couldn’t do, one by one and together

As much as Orbits cheer for me, I Lippie also always cheer for Orbits!

I’ll always be by your side. Love you Orbit❤️

Let’s always be healthy =)


Hello Orbits! It’s Jinsoul :) ❤️

As I’m about to handwrite a letter for Orbits for the first time in a while, I’m already having many thoughts about what I should write.. Heuheu..

This is in celebration of the new year, so I will write thinking about what’s to come next rather than regrets or sadness about the past!

I always have much gratitude and apologetic feelings towards my Orbits, but in 2022 I hope I can repay you in a way that’s better all around compared to past years! Even though I’ve said that every time.. Because I’ve fallen so short of the love and strength that Orbits give me. So more effort will be needed on my part, and may there be happiness for Orbits and us.. Heheh

Orbits! Take good care of me in 2022 too ❤️ I feel like I really cry and laugh all thanks to Orbits. Thanks so much for being with me in each and every moment right now! And I’ll make sure that time isn’t in vain for you. Ah! And since this is for the new year.. This year I hope that everyone won’t get sick! That for everyone, there would be a little more to be happy about, and a little less to worry about `3`

I love you, my Orbits-❤️ Ahjwajwang ✊


Orbit!! You worked so hard this year too and I’ve been grateful hehe

Thanks to Orbit I was able to be happy in 2021 too!!

In 2022 let’s keep having happy days with us girls while being healthy and having fun and being happy ❤️3❤️


Orbit! It’s Yves❤️

Already it’s time to let 2021 go.

I guess this sense of emptiness like I haven’t done a single thing is something I just always feel around this time of year.

But because I had Orbits who fill the empty spaces in between, just as if I’ve found a piece of a puzzle that I’ve sought wandering for a long time, I’ve been so thankful this year as well.

Even though there are so many things that should never be taken for granted, I always seem to only receive love, as if it belongs to me by right;

so in 2022 I want to give back more!

Today as always, I wish that you are always beloved and happy, so much that the love that I give you is the smallest of all the love you receive.

No matter how, I wish that my Orbits will only be happy❤️

P.S. Let’s take care of our health too! :)


Orbits, 2021 has somehow passed by so quickly and another new year is here :)

I’ll keep the memories of your love neatly arranged in the memories of 2021.

In '22, I wish we’ll only have good things and welcome things, so that I can love with Orbits more often ❤️

Our paths shined because we were together, after all !

The light will become stronger ✨ I love you Orbits 🌙 My light :)

Go Won


Hope you will never be sick and always healthy in 2022 too.

And I’ll be cheering hard for you so that you can achieve everything you want!

Just enjoy every single day!!!❤️

Even if you do nothing, Orbits who do nothing are amazing ^_^

Olivia Hye

The new year 2022 has dawned!

Let’s have another year where we’re not sick and stay healthy.

I’m confident that we will make you happy, so count on Loona and be with us in 2022 too!

Happy New Year Orbit



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