I'm hereeee hehehe
Were you waiting??
Did you have fun today?
Hehehe that's why I came quickly
What a relief ㅠㅠ
Relieved to hear you had funㅠㅠ
I liked seeing Orbits tooㅠ
I'll sing lots and lots of songs next time too
Heejin unnie's in the next room
Belting out
Laav you Orbits❤️❤️❤️
I really did everything I wanted to today
Full Moon unit sounds good
I love you more though!?❤️
Onne mormentt pls
Took this recently
But the bangs are a little inconvenient
So I go back and forth hehehe
My favorite flower
The cosmos❤️
I like baby's breath toooo
Wait one momenttt
I'll look for photos
There we go
Heart pounding
Triple pounding
Quad.. pound..
Oh my oh my hehe
Took it while doing fansign hehe
Oh my
Orbits are cute too
Swo annwoying
I'm happy too
What's with the smwuach ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Smooch hehehe
This kind of chat is so much fun
Heejin unnie right now
is rapping
Rapping up a storm
My favorite thing to hear
Only love Choerry❤️
In a bit
After chatting
I'm gonna rap battle her
I'll come hang out in chat often
Love it hehehe
Rap no no no~~~\
It's been so longㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ChoeLove4everLove sounds great❤️
Rap okaaaaaayng
Please forget about back-beat riding Choerry hehe
[Voice] Only Choe Love~
Kaaahaha hehe
This is so fun!??
Orbits are more..❤️
[Voice] Drop the beat
Of course
I'm excited 365 days a year heh
[Voice] Checkit boom
Rap no no no is rightㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌ
Oh my
Gonna try becoming a rapper
Remix is good
There's caffeine in my system right now
So I'm a little
Caffeine charge!!
that's not good
Huh!??? How did you know
Even when I don't have caffeine
I'm always up
You shouldn't drink too much coffeeㅠㅠ
[Voice] Orbits, sleep tight.
How's that
Not bad huh
[Voice] Orbits, love you.
Ahkㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So fun
You all did so well today again
And I had fun
I'm happy thanks to Orbits hehe️❤️
Go whereㅠㅠ
I'll be off now everyone
Bye everyonee
Orbits have sweet dreams too!!❤️❤️
Lock the door ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You're making me lose it!!
Bye bye~~
[Voice] Bye~