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[LOONA+] Chat Log with Heejin & Jinsoul (Frequency of the Moon 49) (210405)




Neejinie is here


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Time really went so quickly today

First VLive in so long

Doing VLive with Orbits

was so much funnnn

The time goes so quickly!!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I really missed you ㅠ Really

Yep yep I'll do it often often often

Right!!!!! Want to do concert already too

Guarana.. is, well ..

It tastes like Guarana..!

Ahh I really thought of Orbits a loooootttㅠㅜ


Right Guarana looks interesting ㅋㅋㅋ

Ohhㅋㅋㅋㅋ I should show Ha Sooyoung unnie

I see it's exam period for our student Orbits


Yep yep I'm thinking about Heesosik [Good News] as well

The practice footage

when I included that Orbits really liked it

So I'm thinking of a lot of other things to include !!!!

Right .. I'm already a grown-up .. student Orbits

I'm still playing a lot of guitar these days!

I don't know heghheheh

Today's TMI

I drank all my extra shot iced teaㅠ

Iced tea Chuu? [T/N: extra ~= "chuga"]

BaHeekery ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

When I get time I want to try baking more

Bbobbies pictorial backstory ㅋㅋㅋ That was so much fun

We kept

going whoa~! Pretty~! Wooo~!~!!!

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Doing all the hype on our own ㅋㅋ

The Extra Onesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Our Chuu unnie is very ..


So we did that between the two of us

Everyone have you seen the cherry blossoms ??

It's really soooo pretty

Mm .. I don't have a shot with cherry blossoms

I do have a shot of the blossoms ..

Why didn't I think of taking one with them.?

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAhkㅋㅋ Seriously Orbits

Jeez I can't even chat right now

Someone said just take a mirror selfieㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Ahhhhokㅋㅋㅋ Please stop nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

You're right I do type fast

I type fast in English too you know??



Ahkㅋㅋㅋ Suddenly everyone turned Wuebit

Yes I am studying English

i miss you guys

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ahkㅋㅋ

What do you mean copy-paste

Of course, let's meet soonㅠㅠ Really really

Ugh I miss you so much I could dieㅠ

Text-substitution ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My goodness

Folks when you miss Neejinie ..

Treat it with extra shot iced tea..

Lightstick seeeriously

I do use text substitution

I have two of these emoticons

I should show you sometime

There's one that replaces 'hegh'

and another one that replaces 'ㅡㅡ' but

I'll show you next time ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh I have more

When I type ㄷㄴㅇ I get "I'll be back"

ㅇㄷㄱ is "I'll be back after exercising"

ㅂㅁ is "I'm back"


No I'm just too lazy to type

so when I go outside I use text substitution..

The reason it's ㅂㅁ is

when I'm typing the entryway password with my right hand

it's the most convenient for reporting in with my left hand

the optimal position

Did you understand?

For left and right hand to work efficiently

I got my reasonsㅋㅋㅋ

To be honest my right hand kind of stumbles around but

Not bad

QWERTY!! Keyboard mode

When I set up more substitutions

I'll tell you ㅋㅋㅋ

Emoji I use a lot??



I really use this the most

Hearts too

There's a matte heart and it looks prettier so I use that

Matte red heart


I use this a lot

For example

Hey Gowon I left this.. at dorm please get it just once...🥺

Jungeun unnie can I eat this..?🥺

Very useful

Oh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Orbits are making good use


Our Orbits, Neejinie has to go ㅠㅠㅠ

ㅠㅠㅠ Hing

I had so much fun thanks to Orbits today🥺

Neejinie will be back🥺

Orbits you must be healthy okay??🥺

Love you💗💗



Hellow it's Jindol

Questions let's gooooo


I miss you too


I don't know about snacksㅜㅠ

I hung out with Yves

As for two tone mm.. I prefer something neat

Rather than covers I want to do solo song

Ohhh wonder if teachers are doing well

Rather than 100 steps that hill is more difficult,,

Logic and Cubase!

Cool tone for me!!!

Black nails seem pretty to me recently

But white right now

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The living room is a little messy,,

Wow guitar

What do you mean a witch!!!!

No no I didn't seeㅜ

I do have a completed song heheh

Wolf cut hair....?????????????

I like hearing that I'm funny


As for O-Light, it's like, bye,,

As for knitting, I'm working so, bye,,

I did graduate college but

I never got to attend properly so I'm disappointedㅜ

I do keep in touch with Yebin~~

I go just however I feel

I wish it could become a side trackkk

Something I want to do,, mm,,

Going on a drive

I'm not taking film photos,,

This album would be a bit too early~~

Yup I should let Jungeun drive

She passed the written test

I sleep differently every night

Back and forth

I'll have you know I don't have pics from seeing flowers,,,

I can't be bothered so I probably won't get a license,,

Guess I'm not that interested

I don't have a favorite perfume

But shampoo scent..?

I want one of those

Of course I'm attempting new angles

It's on my bucket list this year

To escape that angleㅋㅋㅋㅋ


I pretended,,

An item I accomplished.. I don't know..

I do have lots of goals, I'm a goal oriented person

Every day is goals

Roughly coming up with them

Tomorrow I go to pilates,,


Doll,, Amazing,,

I don't keep diary

Only when I feel enormous emotion

I write down a diary in my notes

I had abs once upon a time

Guess you didn't see,


Gradually disappeared during So What



Don't you go looking for them

Everyone, other questions


Fried rice sounds good

Choose tomorrow's menu tomorrow

After this

I'm gonna go practice with the girls

I like Butterfly

I feel like I don't like malatang that much,,

I don't know the angle,, My body just does

I'm gonna go home early kyakya

Don't do itttt

I'm calm?????

Converse is the best

Practice is my daily routine

Don't look forward to anything, what the

What theeeeeeee

Let's talk about something else

I do miss you of course


How to feel that we're near,,,

What would be good

Whoa Converse CF

My dreeeeam

I use Loopy emoticon a lot these days

The selfies are being posted in our order you know?!

Of course anything Converse is good

We choose the order ourselvesㅋㅋㅋㅋ

That's why sometimes it's fast and sometimes slow

is why

Is this lore,,,,,

I should go now,,,



Just relax while you stan

We miss you too!!!!!


Sleep weeell!!!💙



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