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[Fancafe] Hyunjin (201115)


TO. My Orbit

Orbit Hello~ It's been a while since I've last greeted you through a letter 😳

You're doing alright, right?!? You have to be healthy!

Today is 21-year old Hyunjin's birthday 🥳

Being 17 feels like just yesterday but to think that I'm already 21!!🤣

Because of Orbit sending me lots of congratulations and love every birthday,

I'm very happy and thankful 😌

Although it's cold on my birthday every year, since it's in winter,

It's the warmest day for my heart 😊

And that's because of Orbit!!

I'll work harder too, to be a source of strength for Orbit 😊

I'm really always thankful, and I love you 😍❤️

From. Forever Orbits' cute Aeongie 😻



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