Hello, this is Kim Lip.
As time passes, thanks to Orbit, who has shown me more deeper emotions than dim ones, I've been able to grow even more, to become a Kim Lip that can better feel preciousness.
It's really felt like a time in which whenever I approach you sincerely, you respond in kind.
I'll approach you sincerely whenever, just as I do now.
Lately it's been a small joy to be able to give morning greetings to Orbits the moment I wake up, and to say you worked hard at the end of the day.
Thanks for coming to find me, but also many thanks to the Orbits who spend your precious time to come find me, expressing your love and thanks.
There may come a time when I’ll get used to all of this,
But even at that moment, I don’t think I’ll take it for granted.
Also Orbits, I’ll always be right here
I love you Orbit ❤