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[Fancafe] Orbits 2nd Anniversary Member Replies - Go Won & Olivia Hye (200710)


Compilation of all the replies from the girls during the Orbit 2nd Anniversary event.


Go Won 🌙 Oh unnie what color do you like the best lately, other than unnie's representative color! [...] Thanks to unnie, all my black and colorless stuff is changing into mint and lavender💜💙 My dark surroundings are becoming bright like unnie and it makes me feel happy too 🦋 Go Won: I like yellow these days!! Let's get even brighter with yellow♡ 🌙 It's gotten much hotter now, right. So I'll leave you with my summer playlist ☀️ [...] I want to know unnie's summer song recommendations too! 🦋 Go Won: Thank you so much for encouraging meㅠㅠ I'll make sure to listen to all your recommendations too! Mine is Twice sunbaenim's Oxygen, it's refreshing and nice to listen toㅎㅎㅎ 🌙 Please recommend a refreshing summer song that Gowon unnie likes! Is there a hair color you want to try? Please give a word on how you feel about Orbits loving you very very much, Princess🥺❤ 🦋 Go Won: I recommend Elris sunbaenim's Summer Dream! Hair color, I want to try brunette and this and thatㅎㅎ I'm so moved that you always encourage me, thanks for writing me this letter with pretty words today too♡ 🌙 As for me I watched a whole Sherlock Holmes episode today I feel like my English skills are improving a lot with each episode Only 3 episodes so far but I understand more than 80% without subs😛😛 I really recommend this method🙂🙃 I saw the fanmeeting behind-the-scenes and two of my comments made it on the video!! [...] If nuna watches that video I'm sure you'll read my name too right?? [...] I'm off to bed I'm sure nuna won't go to bed until 6am but sweet dreams, and show up in my dreams tonight 😆😆 🦋 Go Won: Thanks for watching the online fanmeeting and writing comments!!!! I'm reading all~~ of them. I'll try your study method too ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Sweet dreams♡ 🌙 Here's a Jiwoo doll and Chaewon doll 💞🍓🍍💞 It's a doll of Hi High era ponytail Gowonnie! Cute right ›.‹ When the outfits arrive I'll wrap it nicely and send it with a handwritten letter! The temporary name is Chacha but I hope Chaewon will give it a new name [...] - 2-year Orbit sends this - The 'Gowon sends this' was so cute what do I do ㅜ.ㅜ 🦋 Go Won: Woowaowa the doll's so cute! Chacha is cute too but what about Cha-doll ㅋㅎㅋㅎ [T/N: means thinly shaved brisket] Thanks to my 2-year old Orbit, don't get sick, let's be healthy! 🌙 You have a new friend. ♡ [...] [My cat] liked you very much~ 🦋 Go Won: Cute catㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'll try making friends with your cat! Thank you♡ 🌙 Unnie you know the new Kirby game came out???? Unnie.. just kidding [...] Gowon unnie!!! I love you you're the only one for me 🦋 Go Won: Wow I thought this was realㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Orbits are the only ones for me too I love you♡ 🌙 Are you enjoying the Hong Ramyeon??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was shocked to see they sent 12 boxes.. I wondered how you were gonna get through all that, but our members need to eat well, so don't give them away and make sure to eat 1 box per member!!ㅋㅋㅋ [...] Also! Are you still enjoying Animal Crossing?? I know you said you were playing to pay off a loanㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ Did you pay off the loan.. or did you build a new village.. I want to know! 🦋 Go Won: I'm working away on eating them with all the members!! I am diligently paying back the loan on Jusumjusum...ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [T/N: This is the name of her island; it's a descriptive adverb for picking things up one by one, and also ends in -sum ("island")] 🌙 Oh right!!! You said you'll name your Animal Crossing island and tell us, remember? I'm so so curious 🦋 Go Won: I named it Jusumjusum from Yves unnie's suggestion! Thank you for writing me a letter today too, thanks for always being by my side, I miss you ♥ 🌙 I'm in my last year of high school so I wanted to go see unnies after CSAT but will I be able to ㅠㅠㅜ Though I guess I'll still see you even if not right now,, I'll be sure to do well on these finals and get into a school in the Seoul metroㅠ Can't have unnie-yas come all the way to Daegu 🦋 Go Won: Thank you!ㅠㅠ I hope everything you want to achieve will go well, I'll always be cheering you on from behind!! See you soon~~~ 🌙 Ha.. but why won't the practical evaluations stop coming.. ㅋ But I just need to go next week and then it'll be online classes! [...] Oh and I just heard a really good song for the first time today! Nuna might know already but It's Ahn Ye-eun - Magic Lily [...] Just one day until the weekend, so fighting! 🦋 Go Won: I'll make sure to listen! Practical evaluation,, it's a tough timeㅠㅠ Weekend soon so let's be strong together! 🌙 Your voice is cutesy too so I want to hear in ASMR, I want to hear your whisper... [...] I'm so happy because Chaewon unnie is here on this world!!! Go Wo Nnieng I Love You💚💚💚💚💚 🦋 Go Won: ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ASMR is content I definitely want to try in the future so I'll go for it!!!! I love you too thank you ♡ 🌙 I'm a Japanese Orbit who's the same age as Chaewon♡ They said today is us Orbits' 2nd birthday, so I want to try writing a letter for the first time. I'm studying Korean right now so I think there must be weird parts but sorry ㅠ,ㅠ [...] I'm an Orbit in Japan so I will look forward to you coming to Japan someday🧚��‍♀️✨ You were so cute and spoke such good Japanese on Spotify greeting. If you come to Tokyo you should try 『gyukatsu』 or 『crepes』 ㅠ,ㅠ 🦋 Go Won: Thank you for writing me so prettily even in a foreign language ㅠㅠ I like gyukatsu! See you later in Japan♡ 🌙 Happy Orbit 2nd anniversary to each of us heheegh bye my love 💕 🦋 Go Won: Happy second anniversary to Orbits too!! Together more and more until the 20th and 200th, you know right?! 🌙 I was born in '00 too so I'm the same age as Chaewon! Maybe that's why but I'm so envious of your passion, a friend of my age practicing and working hard to achieve her dreams! [...] So as a [same-aged] friend, I hope you'll always be happy and I want to cheer for you even more❤️ 🦋 Go Won: Me too as a [same-aged] friend, I hope you'll only experience things to make you laugh! Let's make lots of happy days together♡ 🌙 Seeing the Go Won and Go Two Set Meals, I thought it might be fun to see a recipe book like "Go Man Go Man Recipes" someday [T/N: "Go Ten Thousand", also can mean "Kinda Sorta Recipes"] 🦋 Go Won: ㅋㅋㅋㅋGo Man Go Man Recipe is pretty funny? I should try myself at new foods later tooㅋㅋㅋ 🌙 Do you know that you're honestly a pictorial genius????? ㅠㅠ It's so lit ㅠ Chaewon's soft vibes especially fit the pictorial so well ㅠ [...] It's gotten much hotter, I hope you're finding energy as you prepare for comeback ㅠ 🦋 Go Won: Thank you for liking the pictorial! I want to hurry and come back so I can see my Orbits. Everyone fighting!!!! 🌙 I can't see unnie because of corona these days and I miss you so much ㅜㅜ I haven't been able to give you the slogan I made early this year and I have lots of letters too ㅜㅠ I hope corona will hurry up and end so I can give you presents and letters and see Chaewon unnie on stage 🦋 Go Won: I miss you so so so much too! I want to see you as soon as possibleㅠㅠ Always take care of your health!!!!! 🌙 Gowon-chan I love you today too daisuki〜 ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Cheering you on from Japan ( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ) I'll send lots of love from Japan. Want to see you soon〜😢💓 🦋 Go Won: I love you too daisuki〜 ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Thank you I want to see you too!!!


Olivia Hye 🌙 How was June for Hyeju-nim when you look back? For me.. it was a really complicated and dizzying month. Going back to school after taking 3 months off, having a hard time adapting, just complicated for lots of reasons. [...] These days I really just go from school to hagwon to gym to shower to study to sleep so I really have nothing to do. [...] I didn't realize I'd be a in a situation where studying is all I can pay attention to.. 🐺 [Olivia Hye] Thank you for writing me even in complicated times, I had a good June thanks to you You always know you own efforts the best, right. You should listen to others' advice too, but if they say something that ignores your efforts, I think it's good to ignore them too and tell yourself, I'm doing well! This time, I hope my comment can make allhyeju-nim's July a happy one! 🌙 ...and I found out unnie likes watermelon! I also like watermelon the best out of all the fruits, watermelon has a taste you can't forget... perfection itself... I have so many things I want to say but I don't think my hands could handle all those words! I'll try to write every day from now on! I love you Hyeju unnie 🐺 [Olivia Hye] I think a letter is good if you expressed your feelings to the recipient well, and this expressed it plenty well~ Watermelon is the best! 🌙 Hyeju and I are same-age friends so I'm inspired even more. Seeing you working hard to achieve your goals and actually achieve them according to your effort, it makes me reflect on myself and say I should work harder too 🐺 [Olivia Hye] Even for me if I set 10 goals I think I achieve maybe one, but I think setting a goal to begin with is already halfway to success, I will always be cheering hard for you 🌙 To Pro Idol Hyeju unnie, #140 [...] Today is a busy day, so I came to say what I wanted to tell you in the morning since I have a moment And I saw earlier that unnie was going to read letters and write comments for Orbit birthday... I got scared when I saw the post and reread my old letters and I'm so embarrassed...... I wanted to delete all of them but that didn't feel right so I'll just leave them [...] I've been so happy during all the time I spent together with unnie as an Orbit and I still am happy, I'm so happy that I don't know if it's okay for me to be this happy [...] For Hyeju unnie, who only gifts me happiness all the time, I'll work hard to become someone who can also gift happiness to you [From OP's letter #135] Unnie, have you ever wanted to try making or getting anything while watching the other unnies craft with beads? [...] Afterwards I went to Myeongdong and ate malatang, it was so tasty, I think malatang is good no matter when you eat it [From OP's letter #138] Unnie do you like butter roasted corn? I like it a lot 🐺 [Olivia Hye] Don't delete them ㅠㅠ You came to write even on a busy day. I've been reading yours all the time. Already the 140th! Thank you so so much. JwibangwoolHye-nim has given me 140 gifts.. It's okay for you to be even more, more happy than now. (I also like butter roasted corn and malatang) (I've never tried beads) (Nanoblocks are fun though) 🌙 It's been so long that I don't know if unnie remembers but Unnie wrote me this charm(?) before and I studied a lot with it ["Study hard and then come to unnie!"] Because unnie told me to study hard I studied really!! 💪 hard and passed an important exam! [...] I like eating so I've been scouting out good restaurants a lot I'll let unnie know in my next letter 🐺 [Olivia Hye] My handwriting tho... Congrats on passing the exam~~ Teach me lots of good places:-D Hope you had a good day! 🌙 I'm so disappointed that I can't watch you perform due to circumstances😥 I'm sure Hyeju and Orbits all feel the same wayㅠㅠ I hope things improve soon and I can see you on stage!! 🐺 [Olivia Hye] I'll be preparing diligently until the day you can see me on stage! Stay healthy until then~~ 🌙 These days I have a lot on my mind because of school stress and career choices, and I feel sad often because of stress but whenever that happens I look at unnie and it goes away just like that! I think that's how much strength unnie is for me. I laughed a lot thanks to unnie too. I've been so happy and I think I'll be even happier from now on. Because my heart for unnie is pi... It's never-ending ㅎㅎ 🐺 [Olivia Hye] And just as much as that, Hyedodi-nim also gives me strength and gives me reason to laugh. Orbits let's all be happy~! 🌙 It makes me said that all I can do as a fan is merely write a few lines of text like this but I hope this can give you at least a little strength! 🐺 Hye- What do you mean merely a few lines of text, this is the source of energy that makes us move!!!!! Come to concert later on and let's all have a happy time 🌙 Already it's been 2 years since we've received the proud name of Orbitㅠㅠ [...] We can't relax yet and this year might be difficult, but I want to learn Korean and talk with Hyeju at fansign! This unnie will work hard with that goal in mind! 🐺 Hye- I think the name Orbit is really nice I will work hard too! 🌙 On this Thursday, which seems like the toughest day of the week, I want to gently express my feelings towards Hyeju😊💖 🐺 Hye- Thank you for so many kind words, I think I'll reread this letter when I'm spent, good job today! (For me Wednesdays are the most..) 🌙 I don't know if this will give you strength but just like how Hyeju unnie gives me strength, I hope I can give Hyeju unnie at least a little 🐺 Hye- Of course it gives me strength! Happy 2nd anniversary~~ Be Orbit until the 200th party 🌙 Hyeju do you prefer Charisma Wolf or Baby Wolf??ㅋㅋ Also it's summer so watermelons are in season~ Are you eating lots of watermelon? [...] Speaking of watermelon I want some.. I'm gonna post this and go cut one up!! ㅋㅋ 🐺 Hye- Obviously charisma for me =ㅅ= Speaking of watermelons I want some too Watch your hands when cutting watermelon 🌙 I'm actually sad these daysㅠㅜ Because classes start soon and I have trouble making new friendsㅠㅠ 🐺 Hye- I can identify with thatㅠㅠ I think making friends is so hard. But I have a feeling that Altea-nim will meet good friends! 🌙 What video game have you been playing these days? [...] It's my birthday soon, I would be happy if you say happy birthday. It's okay if you don't hehe. 🐺 Hye- I haven't been playing games much these days, also an early happy birthday to you! 🌙 I want a friend like you. Unfortunately, I don't have many friends but I am okay with that. As long as I have LOONA, then I am happy and satisfied. [...] I hope to see you in a concert soon when the virus goes away. 🐺 Hye- We will be your friend. See you at concert later for sure! 🌙 I want to see you soon,, when will I be able to?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Hope you'll always be healthy<3 🐺 Hye- We want to see you soon too~~ Health is the most important thing always, happy 2nd anniversary! 🌙 I actually meant to write you to congratulate Egoist's 2 year anniversary you know? But I forgot to write the letter... So I just didn't get to ㅠㅠ Can I congratulate you now?? [...] I swear I must have liked an 18 year old Son Hyeju unnie... ever since Adam and Budam and something-dam, but already half of your age-20 year is gone, I wonder how your 20th year has been 🐺 Hye- Half of the year has passed since I turned 20 but I think I'm just the same, thank you for congratulating my second solo anniversary, happy 2nd Orbit anniversary to Hyedal-nim too! 🌙 [Username "Brown"] I am a fan who fell for Olivia Hye nim through So What performances and also when you ate churros in Loona the TAM. [...] I think it'll look so awesome when many Orbits are cheering with the accessories at a concert venue. 🐺 Hye-sh Brown nim, do you also like churros?!? I want to see Orbits holding the lightsticks soon 🌙 Miss Hyeju, what have you been up to lately? [...] PS: I made this. I like Bungeoppang Hyeju ^^;; 🐺 Hye- Lately I've been exercising a little. Make sure to try bungeoppang sometime, it's one of Korea's troika of winter snacks (hotteok, bungeoppang, hoppang) 🌙 I love you so so much and wish you sweet dreams 〰️ 🐺 Hye- Sweet dreams to you too JjangDalsoJjangFan-nim, happy 2nd anniversary~~ 🌙 After wilding out on Twitter by myself every day, I'm already feeling soft again trying to write a letter after so long. [...] Also it's been 2 years since the fans who were called Dalkkongs started to be called Orbits. 🐺 Hye- Soft, I remember Dalbit Kkongnyangㅋㅋㅋ I like the name Orbit way better, Gaksung-nim you take care of your health too and hope good things will be in store~~ 🌙 They said you're really reading these so I'm writing this letter. If unnie reads this I will seriously fly into the sky!! 🐺 Hye- I also want to fly into the sky~~ 🌙 Mm and the reasons I like unnie are too many that they would hurt my jaw to say, but to pick just one, I love your closely caring personality so much 🥰 You act indifferent and like you don't care, but you take good care of precious people and you move them, I love that side of you .. [...] I still love unnie always!!!! You can't even imagine how much~~ When I'm having a hard time due to college admissions you become my strength 🐺 Hye- It'd hurt your jaw but I want to hear all the reasons~? Fighting on admissions, I'll be cheering for you 🌙 If it were me I wouldn't have been able to give up billiards after learning for all that time... [...] And I'm so so thankful that you didn't give up all dreams after giving up billiards, but instead found a new dream of being an idol and debuting as Loona! 🐺 Hye- I'm so lucky that I gave up billiards and got to meet Orbits, Orbits, who make me into an awesome person, are really awesome too 🌙 How long has it been since I've not been able to see Hyeju (chuckle [T/N: a pun with the word "orange"] 🐺 Hye- That could only be the case.. chortle [T/N: a pun with "watermelon"] 🌙 What are you doing lately?? I'd be grateful if you tell me about recent hobbies!! I wanna try toooo~~!! Then~~ eat tasty things and don't be sick!! Both physically and mentally~~ I love you super duper muchh💖💖💖 🐺 Hye- You really write like Chuu unnie.. I don't really have any hobbies! 🌙 Hyeju I can't go anywhere, so you take. responsibility. ㅋfor me~~~~~~ kukikakak Sorry ㅎ But,,, you're kind and good at dancing and... cute.. and cute some more,,, This is .. Hyeju's responsibility ㅋ R G? [T/N: "You know"?] 🐺 Hye- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋRGRG [T/N: "I know I know"] I'll take c4re of y0u~~~! Thank you, I'm really encouraged!!!! 🌙 I drink a lot of watermelon juice! Watermelon's in season right 🍉 But I'm scared to go outside because of corona, so unnie's been buying whole watermelons to cut up and store ㅋㅋㅋ When I want juice I mash it with a hand blender, add some ice and a little honey, it's the most refreshing thing 🐺 Hye- I wish watermelon was in season all year long... It's only summer if you drink summer juice and get brain freeze!!!! 🌙 I'm a high school senior but I didn't study during break and instead watched all the Loona TVs and VLives... ㅎㅎ [...] Hope I can really see you next year and I'll love you even more!! 🐺 Hye- Have a good senior year and hope I can see you next year 🌙 Here's a picture I drew. I hope you like it! 🐺 Hye- Thank you for the awesome drawing~~ I like it 🌙 Hyeju's eyes have this charm of oddly drawing a person in [...] Son Hyeju fighting!!!!!! 🐺 Hye- I like my eyes the most too. Fighting!~!!!!! 🌙 [Letter accompanied by colorful image: "I express my heart of love, you are someone who gives me happiness] 🐺 Hye- More than the text.... my eyes are drawn towards the image... But the image fits my taste 🌙 I think it's really precious to be able to give someone strength and comfort, and to think a precious Hyeju is doing something so precious~~ I'm so grateful [...] I just can't get away from you~~~~ My baby I like you tons 😻 🐺 Hye- Orbits are all precious relationships! Don't you get away~~~ 🌙 [Username "Ha Sooyoung's non-celebrity girlfriend"] Hyeju I really love you so much This auntie is at at a point where I can't breathe without Hyeju,, 🐺 Hye- First of all your nickname =ㅅ= 🌙 Also two days ago it was my birthday on 7/8... Turns out 7/10 is my birthday too, I'm a woman with two birthdays in the same month. [...] Until then I'll be spreading Intense Sho-shock to people around me, until the day the people of the world will be colored by Intense Sho-shock, I will be diligently doing one-IntenseShoShock-every-three-steps ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 🐺 Hye- Really happy birthday!!!!! Please do my part instead of sho-shock 🌙 Still, to my eyes you are still a cute baby wolf I'll probably adore you all my life Even just objectively you are a cute dongsaeng, Babywolf? Babywolf? 🐺 🐺 Hye- Baby wolf? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI'm all grown up =ㅅ= 🌙 I was concerned when I heard Hyeju was cutting back on watermelon because of diet. I just liked it when I heard the word comeback, but thinking about it, I realized Hyeju must be working too hard on this and that for the comeback [...] Always take care of your health as the first priority 🐺 Hye- I also think health comes first! 🌙 Have you tried the apple watermelon? Or whatever it's called, the one you can peel holding in one hand?? How about mango watermelon?? 🐺 Hye- I tried both apple watermelon and mango watermelon! 🌙 By any chance... does Ms. Babywolf also film vlogs...? 🐺 Hye- For the vlog, please wait just a little bit... ^^ 🌙 Also I saw the "I'm drunk on you Son Hyeju" on the [practice room] wall I'm the one who sent that and it made me so happy to see it on the wall [...] Tell me today's TMI! 🐺 Hye- And I won't be taking it down either~~ Today's TMI is I wore a hat 🌙 And my birthday was in June and I got Hyeju's message from Orbit Japan I was so happy and it was such a great gift ㅠㅠ 🐺 Hye- I'm happy to hear the gift made you happy! 🌙 [Fan art of Olivia] 🐺 Hye- You drew it really well!! Worthy of using as background 🌙 Next time I hope I can meet you in person at fansign and give you my work as present. This is the only thing I can give right now, but I hope you like it. 🐺 Hye- Thanks for keeping your promise~~~! Best drawing 🌙 If it wasn't for corona I could have met you at KCON, a little sad I could only see you online ㅠ.ㅠ Thought I could finally see unnies in Japan ㅠ.ㅠ [...] I'll study more Korean.. ㅎㅎ I think it's too lacking..ㅎㅎㅎ 🐺 Hye- It was disappointingㅠㅠ Your Korean is already the best! Fighting!



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