INTERVIEW: ODD EYE CIRCLE presents their new mini-album!
By Tiphaine
After many years, and a change of agency, ODD EYE CIRCLE is finally back with a new album! K! World was able to chat with the 3 members of the group who shared details about the creation of Version Up.
Hello! Our readers know you as members of LOONA, but could you introduce ODD EYE CIRCLE?
JinSoul: “ODD EYE” means that we’re unique, so “ODD EYE CIRCLE” means “a group of girls with unique talents”. We express our individuality through different musical genres.
It’s now been seven years since you debuted as ODD EYE CIRCLE. What can we expect from this comeback?
Kim Lip: You’ll find that we’ve evolved a lot. For example, we have a more mature vibe physically! (Laughs.)
How was it to work with the members of ODD EYE CIRCLE again after so long?
Choerry: At the time, we were simultaneously uncertain and excited. Now, I’m just happy to work with ODD EYE CIRCLE. I’ve always loved being with the girls.
You recently signed with Modhaus. What does this change mean for you?
JinSoul: We’ve had the chance to try different musical genres, more diverse ones, all whilst maintaining the originality of ODD EYE CIRCLE. This is largely thanks to us having refound [the group’s] creator, Jaden Jeong. Signing with Modhaus is a big opportunity for us.
What was your process for writing and recording for this new mini-album, Version Up?
Kim Lip: ODD EYE CIRCLE hadn’t been in the studio for a long time. We’ve truly given everything that we can to this work, above all to not disappoint the fans. As well as that, I helped with the lyrics for the title track.
Right, what is the story of Air Force One?
Choerry: As you know, Converse® was the symbol of ODD EYE CIRCLE. So we wanted to represent our recent evolution with a new symbol. You’re happy when you buy a new pair of shoes, right? Our intention is to express that sentiment through the song!
Other than Air Force One, which song from Version Up are you looking forward to the fans listening to?
JinSoul: We’re really excited for them to listen to Lucid. It’s a piece dedicated to them, since they’ve been waiting for us for a while.
You’ll be having a concert in Paris soon, during your European Tour. Do you have any stories to tell us about your last trip to France?
Kim Lip: We’re really looking forward to meeting our French fans again! Let’s enjoy the concert! I seem to remember JinSoul tried snails when we were last here. She said she’d eat them again. Let’s do it again this time!
What can we look forward to with the ARTMS project?
Choerry: You’ll be able to learn more about us and discover our charms with this project. We’ll be very active in different ways, individually and as a group.
How is ODD EYE CIRCLE connected to ARTMS, and ARTMS to LOONA?
Kim Lip: LOONA hasn’t disbanded. We’re always LOONA. But as you know, we can’t use that name because we left our former agency. We needed a name for ourselves, and “ex-LOONA” didn’t sound right, you know? So, we opened a new chapter with ARTMS. Hoping that you will believe in us, and that you will always support us!
A final message for your French fans?
JinSoul: Friends, it’s been a long time! We know you’re going to love this show as much as the last, right? We’re really looking forward to it. We’re looking forward to meeting again in France!