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[News] LOONA: Decides to not hold a media or fan showcase… Considering live broadcast


Article 1: [Exclusive] LOONA: Decides to not hold a media or fan showcase… Considering live broadcast

Reported by YTN's Kwak Hyun-soo

LOONA, who will make a comeback as a full 11-member group on January 3 next year, is in final deliberations over whether to hold a live broadcast in which they communicate with fans, instead of media and fan showcases.

According to YTN Star’s investigation on the 16th, LOONA has recently made a final decision ahead of the comeback to not hold a media showcase for the press or a fan showcase for fans. This can be interpreted as a decision that is conscious of the recent issues surrounding LOONA.

However, LOONA is considering a live broadcast on the album release date, in which they will talk with fans about the album. As it is their first comeback as a 11-member group, they are expected to speak on how they feel about that fact and their resolve as they engage in activities.

Meanwhile, LOONA will make a full group comeback with The Origin Album ‘0’ on January 3, 2023. The new album ‘0’ is an album that announces a new beginning for LOONA, and marks the beginning of a new message for LOONA, who have engaged in intricate world-building.

This album is an elaborate collection of five tracks with a sense of weight and gravity, including the title track ‘FREESM’, ‘0’, ‘Comet’, ‘B.U.R.N (Be U Right Now)’, and ‘Flash’.


Article 2: Loona After 'Chuu Removal': Will Not Meet with Press After Comeback [Official]

Reported by TV Report's Shin Eun-ju

Loona, which has decided on a 11-member full group comeback without Chuu, is ceasing communications with the public and press.

On the 16th, Blockberry Creative told TV Report that "We do not expect to hold a separate media showcase or fan showcase on the album release date."

When asked whether this decision was in recognition of the issues surrounding Loona lately, Blockberry replied that "This is a company decision and we cannot divulge the reasons."

Loona is considering whether to hold a live broadcast to chat with the fans on the release date, instead of meeting with press.

Meanwhile, Loona is set to come back on January 3, 2023 at 6pm through '0'. Blockberry Creative announced Loona's comeback on the 12th, but the reaction of the fandom and public opinion have been chilly.

This owes to the agency having removed member Chuu from the group, claiming that she committed verbal abuse and abuse-of-power against staff. But controversy ensued as not only staff who worked with Chuu, but also Loona's member Hyunjin, among others, publicly voiced support for Chuu.

Fans and netizens hearing about Loona's comeback gave a range of negative reactions, including "I don't know how to think about this comeback", "This company is truly unmatched in history", and "A comeback that no one welcomes".



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