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[Orbit App] 1st Orbit Anniversary Letters (190713)



Happy birthday Orbit <3

Orbits! Hi :) Long time no see!

It's so good to be able to handwrite another letter for Orbits' first anniversary.

How have you been? I've been wanting to ask.

I've been thinking a lot in recent days.

I wanted to try something new, so I've been writing song lyrics and even picked up a book for once!

Ah, and I picked sudoku back up, too ㅋㅋㅋ

And I've missed Orbits a lot. I thought of you often.

In vocal practice, I would prioritize the songs that I want to sing for you

And reading your handwritten letters, I realize that Orbits have really become a part of my daily routine in many ways!

At the same time, I've looked back on myself a lot as well.

I've been pondering what I can do for Orbits going forward.

And felt sorry that there's so little that I've done for you...

I realized more vividly that I've only gotten here because of Orbits.

Thank you so much, Orbits! You're just one year old but you've given me so much ㅋㅋ

Going forward, I wish that I can give you even more and that we can share even more conversations.

I'm frustrated because it's like I can't even put half of half of how I really feel into this letter,

but I was able to read Orbits' genuine feelings when I read your letters

so I hope that mine can reach you through this letter too!

It's already summer.

This is my favorite season, so I hope every day is full of good things only for Orbits too!!

I can't help but love summer even more now that it contains Orbits' birthday.

Don't get sick, eat well. Just like what Orbits always tell us!

Happy first birthday. I love you, Orbits <3

From Heejin



To: Orbits on their first anniversary <3

Hello, my name is Aeong~ I've hurried over to write a letter after hearing that Orbits are celebrating the first anniversary <3 One year at last~ We've got a lot of time left ㅋ_ㅋ Our time together will be another 1000 years, or 10000 years, so let's stay chummy together~ <3 Happy first anniversary, and thanks for always being by our side ㅠㅠ The reason I can be so happy here is all thanks to Orbits :-)

I also promise to be BIG strength for you all <3 I'll make sure you feel strong tiger energy! So be with me forever <3

Whenever we're tired and exhausted, we'll lean on each other for support! Keu~ what a joyful and happy thing to even imagine~ I'm always thinking of Orbits so don't worry! And I'm taking care of my health too so that you won't worry~ That way Orbits will take care of yourselves too, right? If you don't, Aeong will not eat bread or meals either ㅋ.ㅋ

This is my first handwritten letter in a while so it might be awkward. Please understand ㅠㅠ But I'm trying to make sure my writing is neat. I can't be as good as Heejin, but please tell me my writing is pretty too!! >_< Let me just say one last thing in my usual handwriting before I go practice




For Orbits: a Love Letter

Orbits! Hello it's Haseul!! You know it's already been a year since Orbits became known to the world, right?! Loona is congratulating you ㅎ <3 I have so much to tell Orbits. I say this every time but thank you for waiting for us, thank you for giving us undeserved love, thank you for always cheering for us so hard that your vocal cords might explode. Oh... maybe they're already gone..? ㅋㅋ they haven't, right? ㅎ I want to become a bolmae [someone who's more charming the more you see them] for Orbits, filled with more charms the more you get to know me. It's not a word I really use normally.. ㅋ But in seriousness, I think I'm always singing out of pride and energy that I am part of Loona. So I need Orbits' strength even more! So that we can spread our songs and charms widely, let's all work hard! Always I love you, thank you, and thank you for being each other's strength. Love U <3



Happy birthday

To: Orbits whom I'm always grateful for <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 x 1000000000000000

Hello!! It's Yeojin, Orbits <3

I still can't believe it's been a year since we met ㅠㅠ (Time goes by so fast ㅠㅠ)

Orbits, do you remember the first day we met??

When I think back, still! Today!

My heart seems to pound <3 and pound ㅎㅎ

Then and now, I like Orbits still the same <3 <3

And I love you <3 Thanks to Orbits who always support me, so that I won't tire out even when things are tough, I get to spend every day happily <3 <3

I'm always so grateful to our Orbits <3 <3 (Orbits are the best)

Orbits, I miss you even when I'm seeing you, I'll come so that we can meet soon! Orbits, you just wait for us <3 <3 I'll run to you like ppyong!! I love you Orbits <3 <3

And stay by my side, our side, until the second, 10th, 100th anniversary <3 <3 Let's stay together until the end of this month <3

Happy one year anniversary <3 And thanks for working so hard until now <3 <3

Orbits, I love you so much <3 <3

-Yeojin, missing Orbits-


{Happy Orbit Day}



To Orbits

Hello! Orbits~ Today is Orbits' first anniversary and birthday. So today is a very important and special day. Ever since Orbit formed a year ago, I think my relationship with Orbits has become more precise and interesting <3 It's so good to be able to meet you through this relationship~

Orbits! Today is your birthday! What do you want to do!? I want to meet and talk with you~ I wonder if Orbits are thinking the same thing ㅎㅎ Then let's chat and V App with us as you eat <3 You'd like it right!? I love it so much <3 It's a chance to communicate for the first time in a while~ There is so much I want to tell Orbits, and I want to tell you everything one by one~ ㅋㅋ

You're doing well, right!? I'm so happy that I get to meet you when we promote and that you stay with us all the time, and I miss you~ I think I can't help but happy receiving your love and strength <3 So I want to give many things to Orbits too ㅎㅎㅎ

We made one year of memories so far, and they were so good, so let's make more, even more memories together <3 I wish you are always healthy and happy <3 <3 Love Orbit <3



[Kim Lip]

Orbits happy first birthday

Beloved Orbits! Happy first birday <3 <3

Baby, what a baby... ^_^! It sure feels like a while since we met, but this is one year since the name "Orbit" was made!

Makes me think of old days a lot ㅇㅅㅇ..

I still have vivid memories of being excited and happy at the debut concert.. listening to Orbits cheer from backstage, laughing and crying together, they are memories I could never forget. Thank you so much for giving me these great experiences.. <3 It's fascinating that after a year of activities, we seem to have all gotten much closer than that first day we met, and I'm excited for our future encounters too.

Orbits, I'm so thankful and I'm also so sorry.. it's always so good when we see you every day, but it's really hard when we don't.. I'm sorry that we make it hard on Orbits and make you wait. I know how hard it is, but when we do meet, you still smile for us like it's nothing, and converse with us.. Truly, thank you and thank you <3

We'll be able to meet again soon!! Until that day, don't get tired! Don't be sick and eat well and we'll meet again!! Always, thank you and I love you so much! Happy first anniversary and going forward! Let's see each other for a long time! Together <3




Hello, Orbits-⭐ it's Jinsoul

One year for our Orbits already, time really flies

I still vividly remember how excited and happy I was when the name "Orbit" was first given. Feels more intimate than just saying "our fans"... I feel proud to say "Orbit" somehow? Since it's a nickname for just us. Right?

These emotions are so vivid that the one year's time feels like it went really quick. I wish we could have made even more memories over that year, and I also have regret that we should have done even better by you. Our Orbits, thank you so so much for giving us such amazing love and encouragement over the year <3

And Orbits, who are quietly believing in and waiting for us, don't worry and please look forward to how splendid we'll look when we're back! Heh heh thank you so! much! for waiting... I want to see you already! I wish time would go more quickly so I can see you hing.. I've whined too much all of a sudden.. I'm sorry

But that's how much I want to see you Orbitdoong-doongs.. Until the day we meet again, you must not be sick, not get hurt, and be well! I'm feeling the time pass by lately and waiting for the day we'll meet Orbits again..

Orbits! Let's keep our relationship strong and long :) Happy first birthday Orbit ㅎㅎㅎ - from 2 year old JinSOUL ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ



<3 Happy birthday <3

Lovely Orbits! Hellow >< it's Choerry! It's been a while since I got to greet you like this, after my birthday letter~ surprise!! Last time Orbits wished me a happy birthday, so let me do it this time~ <3 A ve-ry happy birthday to you ㅎㅎ..

Loona has been able to grow this much thanks to you, who cheered for and loved us from our side more than anyone else over this long time. Thank you for raising me up (after my parents ㅎ..), I will repay it back~

I'm listening to classical music right now to get into the mood and this is so effective ㅜㅜ When I think of Orbits, I miss you so much and tears are about to fall.. hing.. I survived every day of the inactive period thinking of Orbits..! And thought to myself that I should practice hard and come back even~!! better!

I think any occasion with Orbits is super happy and joyful <3 Do you feel that way too!? I may not be able to be with you every day, but if you think of Choerry, I will cross the Pacific and the Atlantic to come to wherever Orbits are! I promise~! Oh! I guess it could be hard if you're inside a dream but I will try to get in there ><

Now for a sudden Choerry TMI (drum roll), I went to see Annabelle with the members recently! -The End- And finally, Orbits!~ Happy birthday, and I always miss you and love you! <3 Love you Orbits <3 Thanks for being by our side <3



To 1 year old Orbit babie

Hi Orbits?! I'm Sooyoung unnie-ya, nuna-ya!!! It's been "Already One Year" since we've been together, so first play that song by Brown Eyes sunbaenim before you read this letter >< <3

You've reached one year old now ㅠㅠ Congratulations <3_<3 My heart for you is so so big, but I'm so upset that I can only express it on this tiny A4 sheet ㅠㅠ But I still hope you will understand my feelings!!!

A year is 365 days, 8760 hours, but how many of those hours have we actually faced each other for?!... Maybe the time Orbits have spent waiting for us is longer than the time we actually spent together ㅠㅠ So I'm always feeling so sorry!! I know Orbits want to see us more than anyone else does... I'm sorry we make you wait each day. But we are working every day to show you even better performances and sing for you even better music, so let's hold on to our fluttering hearts and meet soon <3

Honestly, I think I'm still embarrassed because Orbits give me so much love that I don't deserve. I wonder if I'm someone worthy enough to receive that love.. ㅠㅠ I still think of myself as someone who falls short in many ways and is all kinds of clumsy. But I'm so thankful that despite that you're still seeking me out, you take energy from me, and you return that energy to me <3 In the same way that the many sunbaenim-s I respect would gift joy to many people, including me <3

As for me, my dream is to become Loona's Yves who won't disappoint or shame!!! myself nor the Orbits who love Loona so much :) I'll make sure that happens!

A year's time can be long or short, and because Orbits were right here by our side - even as the seasons changed outside the window, for me it was always spring with cherry blossom petals in the air <3 I'll make sure that time isn't wasted! So let's grow old together.. hee.. <3 Don't worry because I'm a person who does a promise and the best at the same time!

Orbits! I hope you won't be sick and grow up healthy and happy <3 I like you~ <3 I love you <3 2019.07.10, from loving Yves to Ogingies



❤rbit and Chuu <3 I love you

One year old Orbits :) I've shown you so many hearts that it might be no fun anymore, so today's heart is a rare one :D <3

It's already been a year since you've walked with us using the name Orbit,, time flies and so does my heartbeat... heehee! I wanted to ask what Orbits are doing and eating and liking these days.. but there was no opportunity to ㅠㅠ You are doing well, right? I want to see you often and hear your voice even more. And Orbits are missing me too, right? Our affection for each other is proportional <3

I feel like I haven't done as much for you as I wanted this past year, but thank you for loving and missing us the same as always ㅠ.. I'll try harder too..!

I think happy memories became multiplied and were imprinted on me thanks to the many Orbits, who walked with us even before the name Orbit. And I've grown a lot compared to before receiving your love :) Both in my mindset, and I guess in the way that I spend my daily routines? Everything is thanks to Orbits.

I dreamed a dream a while ago. I was running and running, in an endless darkness. It could have been a scary nightmare, but I was happy in that darkness. I'm actually still amazed.. It was bizarre, and fascinating, so it's still vivid. I think the reason I wasn't afraid was because I knew somebody was believing in me, and protecting over me. And I believe that somebody is my family and Orbits. Thank you!

Even after 3 years, 10 years, 20 years have passed for Orbits, I want to be together, to be by your side. You know my heart right? I'm not perfect and not anything special, but because you still see beauty in every part of me, I know how to love myself and I've learned so much. I'm more thankful than I can express.. I'm thinking about you every day, and I want to make you happy every day <3 <3 <3

Let's walk together, slowly, step by step. (Promise?) I'm so very sorry and grateful. My heart is like the Pacific and the Indian and the Atlantic Ocean. Orbits, take care of your health!? See you soon. Our precious Orbits, so deserving of love.. happy first anniversary <3

-2019.7.10. From Jiwoo-


[Go Won]

Orbits Congratulations

Orbits! Hi. It's Go Won.

Happy first anniversary, Orbits :) Can't believe it's already been a year together with Orbits...! I think of when I first called you by that name a year ago. We never had our own nickname before, but I'm so happy that I can call you Orbits now. It's very unique and feels more intimate ><

But actually we haven't had opportunities to call you by name very often lately, and we can't see you much, so I'm upset :( Why is it that when we get to see Orbits during concerts and fansigns and broadcasts, time seems to go fast, but it feels so long when we prepare and wait to meet you ㅠ.ㅠ But no matter how much I miss you! I'll stay strong! and practice hard to show you my growth.

Orbits miss us too, right?1 Let's hurry hurry hurry and see each other <3 I have lots of shortcomings, but thanks to Orbits who always encourage and comfort me from my side, I'm always energized and working to become a cooler Go Won. I hope I can be strength to Orbits too. Let's always laugh together, and fill up with joyful and happy memories <3 My precious Orbits, have a happy day every day. I love you :)

<3 From Go Won to Orbits <3


[Olivia Hye]

To. Orbits on the first anniversary, sending my heart

Hello Orbits~ It's Olivia Hye. Congratulations on turning one year old!! You're the only people who are younger than me, one and a half years old ㅋㅋ <3

Even if I filled up your year absolutely full with joyful, happy memories, it still wouldn't be enough!!! And yet I feel like I didn't even do that so I feel upset and I'm so sorry... ㅠㅠ

Thank you for walking this tough road with us for a year :) I want to show you something, anything more, communicate more... you know we're always thinking the same thing, right? When things are too hard, it's okay to rest! Just like what Orbits tell me all the time ㅎㅎ

Because I'll always be here~ don't worry about me all the time, don't forget that you come first. Also I found that my mind is more at rest if I listen to meditation music at the end of my day. I wanted to make sure! to recommend that to Orbits. I hope that helps, even if it's just a little.

You might be one year old now but! Until the day of your 70th birthday party ㅋㅋㅋ <3

My tree to lean on, Orbits, I love you.

-A heart-packed letter-



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