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Yves [LOOP] Album - Yves' Love Letter (240529)


Hello, how was today for you?

By the moment you read this letter, the meaning of my today will have faded and become past. As I have this thought, the odd thought crosses my head that I’d like to hold fast to flowing time. Between the gaps of my hands holding tight onto this moment, onto the floor, into the air,

Time f





and s c a t t e r s .

After I cast aside the sediment of time that has immediately clung onto my skin

The memories hidden afar play themselves like a panorama.

The once-little child loved hiding in a corner, running, and singing

And as an adult, she grew to have thicker eyebrows and more freckles.

She still gets teary and scares easily, but it is nice to see her push forward.

There is some film that is annoying to look at, ripped and torn in pieces

But so what. What difference does it make? I like vintage things.

There were days when I feared and dreaded the coming morrow and let go of today.

I kicked with my feet so I would not sink, but I was instead swept up by the current.

When I came to my senses, I found myself here.

And now I’m able to give you this letter.

That’s good enough for me.

For the tomorrows of the past, those waves, have become songs that I can sing for you.

It would be a lie to say that there is no hint of regret. However.

With gratitude to all of those todays that made me grow

This is for you, whom I am the most grateful to right now, today.




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