[ENG SUB] 181020 LOONA Birthday Stream - Heejin & Chuu
Don't worry about the rotated stream at first - they figure it out lol
Also, you'll have to excuse the 144p quality in the last 11 minutes, the livestream was on and off
Video is for non-commercial use
Thanks to Jason E. for telling me that Almond Bon Bon flavored ice cream is a thing, I never would have guessed it
SRT subtitle file: https://pastebin.com/ML2Zt2Pn or https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K-C-CpcDDQZSZxTsefyBGZLYKCZYv937/view?usp=sharing
Original VODs from 유안
I combined two videos and cut a few parts where the recording stream was lagging.
#LOONA #Heejin #Chuu #이달의소녀 #희진 #츄